Saturday, November 26, 2011

Technology misuse in the workplace.

How many of you have email accounts for your workplace?  Now, these email accounts are to be used only for professional reasons right?  Now, let's take a look at say, the use of company resources while at work.  You decide to check your personal email on a company computer so does that mean the company has the right to go through your personal email account?  This all depends on the company policy, as this video shows us much insight on whether or not the company can search your personal information just for accessing it on a company computer.  It's the 21st century and we all have multiple email accounts, all of which we want to check regularly.  Here's the real deal: you should not use your company computer for anything other than work related issues because if you are using the computer for other reasons, it can be construed that you are misusing time and could lead to termination of your employment.  Here is a fine example: You have a bin of filing to do but do not want to do it because it is boring.  You also have 17 new personal emails.  The emails tend to be more appealing and you decide to check your personal emails versus filing and tending to your job.  A manager or corporate employee sees this as misuse of time and dedication that could be spent at your job leading to a termination of employment.  

Other than just checking your email account, there are lots of other things that company computers and technology is being misused for.  Facebook, Twitter, and all other social media websites are taking up vital time that employees could be working on work related issues versus using the social media sites for their personal gain.  

Technology can also be misused within the workplace by misusing the information provided.  Especially, within a clinic, hospital, or surgeons office.  Earthlink posted an article regarding misuse of technology and termination in employment.  After reading this article I was astound by what had happened.  At UCLA, thirteen employees were fired when they were "caught spying on computerized medical records of the pop star Britney Spears."  The employees were violating medical record laws as well as company policy.  Crazy to think what all happens with misused technology in the workplace.  The article also has some good information on what could put your job in jeopardy:

  • Email Offensive language; too much personal use; breaking confidentiality  rules.
  • Internet Visiting pornographic, matchmaking, game, entertainment, shopping, auction, sports or other Web sites; too much personal use; breaking other company rules.
  • Other Misuse or personal use of office phones; loss or theft of electronic equipment.
So, next time you jump on your work computer you may want to think twice about what you are getting on your computer/Internet for.